• The Judgment Seat of Christ D. M. Panton
    This book is a classic work on the subject of the Judgment Seat and it will surely call the serious reader to a closer walk with God. Panton (1870-1955) served as a minister of Surrey Chapel in Norwich, England and also gained an international reputation as a Bible teacher, publishing numerous writings. He was a godly man who deeply mined the Scriptures. He was the founder and editor of a periodical entitled The Dawn, an evangelical magazine, which was published for over 30 years. Panton was called “The Prince of Prophecy.”

  • The Parable of the Talents and the Parable of the Minas
    (Matt. 25:14-30 and Lk. 19:11-27)
    Thomas W. Finley

  • A Great Criterion at the Judgment Seat T. Austin-Sparks

  • Letter on the Judgment Seat Thomas W. Finley
    This letter is an actual reply to a brother in Christ who feels that there can be virtually no negative judgment for believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Many Scriptures are used to explain that this is not the case. This letter has now (2011) been revised somewhat from the original for improvements to the content.

  • Worthy of the Kingdom Thomas W. Finley
    Significant Truths You Will Learn Here Are: The distinction between two great Biblical principles: Salvation by Grace Through Faith and Reward According to Works, The Judgment Seat of Christ, The 1,000 year reign of Christ and The overcoming Christian life

  • A Tract on the Kingdom Kent Young

  • The Birthright (The Rights of the Firstborn) Thomas W. Finley
    A sketch of the birthright, which is available to all believers, but can be forfeited.

  • Theirs Is The Kingdom -
    An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount
    Kent Young
    Thirty six times in the gospel of Matthew alone, Jesus makes mention of either ‘the Kingdom of God’ or ‘the Kingdom of Heaven.’ With this topic being of such importance to the Lord, how unfortunate it is that Christians are so divided and even down-right confused as to what exactly this ‘kingdom’ is.” In this work Kent Young sets out to answer the question as to what this 'Kingdom' that Jesus mentions so frequently actually is, and to look into how an understanding of the kingdom affects the rest of Jesus’ ethical teaching in the Sermon on the Mount.

  • Two Ways and Two Gates and the Conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount -
    Matt. 7:13-27
    Thomas W. Finley (Updated 2/08)
    Jesus' teaching in the conclusion to the Sermon on the Mount is explained, revealing a powerful Kingdom theme. This is important reading for any child of God.

  • Sermon on the Mount Stephen Kaung
    These four messages were delivered by Brother Stephen Kaung in the winter of 2002 at Alhambra, California. They are printed here as spoken with minimal editing done for clarity.